Basic instructions to have a good notebook
When writing in your notebook pay attention to the
- Order
- Orthography,
- English accuracy = No Fatal Mistakes:
- Scientific vocabulary
- and neatness
- All sentences in English have a subject.
- Adjectives virtually always precede the nouns they modify.
- We add –s to the verb to form the third person singular present tense.
Other than that, every unit in your notebook will include:
- A nice, big and well decorated title of the unit (you can decorate it with drawings referring to
the unit contents). Start every unit in a new page.
- Then, the theory explanations (so you have to take notes of the important things explained
during the lessons, or the drawings or graphics form the blackboard)
- All the exercises done (questions in black, answers in blue), and they must be corrected.
It means that you have to pay attention to the correction, if your exercise is correct, tick it in red pen, if not, cross it out and write the proper answer in red.
- Diary: everyday you can write a brief paragraph to summarize the day content.
- All worksheets given should be included in the notebook folder
- Every unit will end with a Mind Map (2º ESO).
Every time you go to the Laboratory you will compose a Lab Report (a separated page included in the
notebook folder). This Lab Report will have these items:
Title / Materials / Procedure / Conclusion. Explanations should be accurate and the help of drawings is welcome.
Your notebook will be a transparent folder that includes the notebook papers and worksheets.
The folder will start with the self evaluation rubric (completed when instructed by the teacher) plus
this instructions page.
You must have this folder ready to be given to the teacher every time there is an exam.